Please join the Waldo Tower Neighborhood Association for our Annual Picnic and Movie Night on Saturday, June 30th.
We'll be firing up the grill at the large shelter in Tower Park and serving up free hot dogs and brats starting at 6pm.
We'll also be having lots of fun activities and events including:
Free Face Painting
Large Inflatable for the Kids
Live Music by Brody Buster (One Man Band)
Fun Park Activities with Sidewalk Chalk, Bubbles, Kites and More!
Free Giveaways for the Kids!
Fire Station 37 will show off their Truck and Spray us with Water!
Who knows what else we'll come up with?
Bring your blankets and lawn chairs for the movie, "A League of Their Own" which starts at sundown.
We'll provide the pop corn!
Please RSVP by ordering a free ticket so we have enough food for everyone! This is a free event provided to our neighbors so we can get to know one another!

Thanks to our sponsors, Councilman Kevin McManus and 6th District, as well as the National Tourist Development Fund.
Are you interested in sponsoring this event?
Please email us at info@waldotowerneighborhood.org