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Emergency Rental Assistance Available

The City of Kansas City, Missouri has announced $4.5 million is immediately available for Kansas Citians needing rental or utility relief. This Emergency Rental Assistance Program will help residents get caught up on past due rent and utility bills, and is a part a $14.8 million funding package that has been approved by the City Council and made possible with federal funding from the stimulus package passed by Congress in December.

Here's how you can apply

To apply for rental or utility assistance, contact one of these five local agencies contacted with the City to provide immediate financial relief to residents struggling to meet their day-to-day housing needs.

Metropolitan Lutheran Ministry has been granted $2.5 million to distribute. You can call 816-514-2683 or fill out a paper application, available at 3031 Holmes Road, KCMO 64109 & 1100 NE Vivion Road, KCMO 64118. They also have an online application:

Journey to New Life has been granted $500,000. Call 816-960-4808 or email for assistance.

reStart has been granted $500,000. Call 816-886-9153 or email for assistance.

Community Assistance Council has been granted $500,000. Call (816) 763-3277 for assistance.

Synergy Services will distribute $450,000 through existing referrals.

A full list of rental assistance agencies and eligibility can be found here.


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