Due to the passage of Missouri Senate Bill 190 (SB190) in 2023, Jackson County has established an application process to bring senior citizens much-needed tax relief.
The program allows those who are Social Security retirement eligible to receive a credit that essentially freezes their property taxes on their primary residence.
Taxpayers do not need to be currently drawing Social Security benefits in order to qualify, just be eligible for Social Security retirement benefits.
Who is eligible?
Applicants must meet the criteria below to qualify.
Be a Jackson County resident.
Be eligible for Social Security retirement benefits.
Is the property owner, or has a legal or equitable interest in the home.
Is liable for the payment of real property taxes on the home.
What documents are required to prove eligibility?
1. Proof of Jackson County Primary Residency.
Examples: Driver's license, voter registration card, utility bill, etc.
2. Proof of Social Security Retirement Eligibility.
Examples: Social Security verification letter or copy of current Social Security statement.
NOTE: Driver’s license and birth certificate do not prove eligibility for Social Security and will not be accepted.
3. Proof of Interest - If the applicant is not on the deed, documentation proving legal interest in the property is required.
Examples: Trust or operation agreement
Are there any other requirements for this program?
The market value of the property must be less than $550,000.