Voting Day!! FINALLY!!!

Download the November 3 Election Sample Party Ballots:

The state of Missouri allows for absentee voting if you:
Will be absent from your voting jurisdiction on Election Day
Are incapacitated or confined due to illness or physical disability, or caring for an incapacitated person*
Are restricted by religious belief or practice
Are employed by an election authority
Are incarcerated, but have retained all your voting qualification
Are a participant in the Missouri SAFE at home program
*I have contracted or am in an at-risk category for contracting or transmitting severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, pursuant to Section 115.277.6 RSMo. (available for the remainder of 2020 elections only)
*At-risk voters are individuals who:
Are 65 years of age or older
Live in a long-term care facility licensed under Chapter 198, RSMo
Have a serious heart conditions
Are immunocompromised
Have liver disease
Have chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma
Have chronic kidney disease and are undergoing dialysis
Have diabetes
Visit the website for more info-