Waldo Tower Neighborhood Association Members are welcome to join us Saturday, October 10th, from 8am to Noon (or until the dumpsters are full) at the South-Broadland Presbyterian Church located at 7850 Holmes Rd.
There will be dumpsters or dump trucks for yard and garden debris and big trash items.
No special bundling of yard and garden waste is necessary.
Please note that this is part of a larger 6th District Clean-Up Event with a 2nd site being planned at Ruskin High School where appliances will be accepted. A document shredder and electronics recycling will also be accepted at Ruskin High School.
There will be some fees for dropping off electronics at Ruskin High School. Those fees are $5 for CRT monitors, $10 for items containing Freon, $20 for LED/LCD/plasma TVs, $30 for CRT TVs 26 inches or less and $50 for CRT TVs 27 inches or more, big screen/projection TVs & wood console TVs
Memberships can be purchased at this event for $25 - https://www.waldotowerneighborhood.org/membership