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Waldo Tower Neighborhood Association Announces Upcoming Changes to Bylaws.

Members of the association will be asked to vote at our public meeting on January 11th.

Public Notice : Letter to Members Dated 12/11/24

Dear Waldo Tower Neighborhood Association Members,

This letter is to inform you that our board of directors have voted to change the By-Laws of our organization. The changes we have proposed are laid out below.

We are calling for a public vote of all members at our next general meeting, January 11, 2025, 10am at the Waldo Public Library, Meeting Room A.

Members must be in attendance at the meeting to vote. 

To see our complete By Laws, visit New WTNA Bylaws Revised 11-9-20.docx

There are two proposed changes.

Change Number 1 seeks to allow At-Large Board Members to live outside of the original boundaries. The total number of At- Large board members will not exceed 2 people and therefore this change does not upset the balance of board members living within the boundaries and will foster more networking with other neighborhoods. 


Section 2: At-Large Members of the Board of Directors

  • Qualifications, Election, Terms of Office, Compensation and Vacancies of the WTNA Board of Directors Members At-Large shall be the same as the offices as described in Article III above.

  • The Duties of the WTNA Board of Directors Members At-Large are to represent the general membership at the Board of Directors meetings.


Section 2: At-Large Members of the Board of Directors

  • Election, Terms of Office, Compensation and Vacancies of the WTNA Board of Directors Members At-Large shall be the same as the offices as described in Article III above.

  • Candidates for the WTNA Board of Directors Members At-Large must:

    • Be an Association member in good standing, and 

    • Be at least eighteen (18) years old

  • The Duties of the WTNA Board of Directors Members At-Large are to represent the general membership at the Board of Directors meetings.


Our second change is to amend the bylaws to include an article on records, reports and publicity to protect the personally identifiable information of its members. 

Additionally, it would require that members sign a consent or waiver (physical or digital format) form prior to publication of any potentially private facts.


Article V. Records and Reports

Section 1: Corporate Records. The Association shall keep as permanent records

minutes of all meetings of its Board of Directors, a record of all actions

taken by the Board without a meeting and appropriate accounting


Section 2: Records at the Principal Office. The corporation shall always keep

a copy of the following records at its principal office:

  1. Its bylaws or restated bylaws and all amendments currently in effect.

  2. These bylaws and any amendments.

  3. A list of the names and business or home addresses of the current Director, officers and members.

  4. The most current annual report submitted to the Secretary of State section 355.856.

Section 3: Publication. The Waldo Tower Neighborhood Association will not disclose or publish directors, officers or members private information without consent.


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